Frequently asked questions about our baby massageFAQ

Are dads welcome at the class?
Yes, dads are very welcome at our baby massage classes as are grandparents, foster parents or adoptive parents. Both parents are welcome at any stage. Just let me know so that I can arrange the room.

What do I need to bring?
All materials are provided for in class. The room is set up with everything you need (towels, pillows, mats, oils, handouts). All you need is you and your little bundle.

What should I wear?
As the room will be quite warm and we will be sitting on the floor, we recommend that you wear comfortable light clothing.

What should my baby wear?
Your baby can wear anything that is comfortable and easy for your to take on and off such as a babygro.

Is there parking facilities?
Yes. There is space in the driveway and on the street directly outside. There is space for buggies but just let us know as space can be tight. If you need help carrying baby and car seat from your car, we will be happy to help.

What if my baby needs to sleep, lie down or is upset during a class?
All of the strokes can be adapted if baby is sitting up or needs to be held. It is a baby led class and we always follow the babies lead. If baby wishes to feed, sleep, cry, have a cuddle, or just sit up and watch the other babies with mum, that is perfectly OK and we go with their needs. You know your baby best.

Can I bring my twins/triplets or older siblings to the class?
Twins/Triplets are welcome to the class. We recommend that you bring someone with you to class so that you can focus your attention on one baby. We have had older siblings at our classes before and it has worked out well. Just contact me first to chat about it.

What if my baby needs to feed at a class?
This is no problem. We have comfy armchairs and breastfeeding pillows, kettle and bottle warming facilities. It is a baby led class so whenever baby is hungry is perfectly ok.

What age should my baby be?
For the group sessions, from about 4 weeks old to pre crawling age is best. Home visits can be done from birth to pre crawling.